Curriculum Vitae


Dr. ERin Spinney

Assistant Professor, History and Politics

University of New Brunswick (Saint John)


Degrees and Universities 

Doctor of Philosophy – History, University of SaskatchewanSaskatoon, Saskatchewan (2018)

                  Comprehensive fields:

                                    Major:   Early Modern Britain

                                    Minor:   History of Medicine

                                                      History of Science

                  Dissertation: “Naval and Military Nursing in the British Empire c. 1763-1830”

                                    Co-Supervisors: Drs. Lisa Smith and Matthew Neufeld 

Masters of Arts – History, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick (2011)

                  Report: “British Military Medicine during the Long Eighteenth Century: A 

                  Relationship between Preventative and Reactionary Medicine, Supply, and Empire.” 

Bachelors of Arts (Honours) – History, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick (2010)

                  Concentrations: Military and British History

Employment History



Assistant Professor, University of New Brunswick – Saint John 

May-July 2022 

Continuing Academic Employee, University of New Brunswick – Saint John 

2021-April 2022                 

Assistant Professor (Term), University of New Brunswick – Saint John


Sessional Lecturer, University of Lethbridge 


Assistant Professor (Term), Mount Allison University 


Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Oxford


Teaching Assistant, University of Saskatchewan


Instructor, University of Saskatchewan


Teaching Assistant, University of Saskatchewan  

Honours and Distinctions


Karen Buhler-Wilkerson Faculty Research Fellowship, Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania. 


Recipient of Mary Adelaide Nutting Award for Exemplary Historical Research and Writing from the American Association for the History of Nursing for the article “Women’s Work: Nurses, Orderlies, and the Gendered Division of Care in Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era British Army Hospitals.” Nursing History Review 31 (2023): 127-149.


President of the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing


Vice President of the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing


Recipient of Teresa Christy Research Award from the American Association for the History of Nursing for best PhD dissertation


Recipient of Outstanding Graduate Instructor Award from the Department of History at the University of Saskatchewan 

Undergraduate Teaching

Undergraduate Courses taught at UNBSJ

YearCourseEnrolmentEnrolment Cap
Winter 2025Hist 2701: Canadian Healthcare 40
 Hist 3951: Digital History  24
Fall 2024HEAL 1001: Current Issues and Future Trends in Health (3ch) Section 1 50
 HEAL 1001: Current Issues and Future Trends in Health (3ch) Section 2 50
 Hist 1701: The Medical Experience 75
 Hist 3674: History of Nursing in Canada 30
Winter 2024Hist 3555: The Atlantic World2830
Fall 2023HEAL 1001: Current Issues and Future Trends in Health (3ch) Section 14350
HEAL 1001: Current Issues and Future Trends in Health (3ch) Section 24050
Hist 1701: The Medical Experience (3ch)6970
Winter 2023Hist 3854: Women and War3140
Fall 2022HEAL 1001: Current Issues and Future Trends in Health (3ch, co-taught with Mercy Oyet)96110
Hist 1701: The Medical Experience (3ch)5060
Hist 3674: History of Nursing in Canada (3ch)1540
Summer 2022Hist 2215: Canadian Health Care: Pox, Plague, and Patients (3ch, online) Stipend received 1845
Winter 2022Hist 1101: European Experience (3ch)4860
Hist 2102: Europe and the World after 1800 (3ch)2530
Hist 3951: Digital History (3ch)1426
Fall 2021HEAL 1001: Current Issues and Future Trends in Health (3ch, co-taught with Shelley Doucet, and Mercy Oyet)6180
 Hist 2101: Europe and the World Before 1800 (3ch)1830
 Hist 4288: Health and Disease in the Early Modern Atlantic World (3ch)530

Undergraduate Courses Taught Elsewhere 

2020-2021           University of Lethbridge: 

Evolution of Health and Illness Care (3ch) 

History of Nursing: Women and the Care of the Sick (3ch)

Health and Society (3ch)

2019-2020           Mount Allison University:

Canada to 1871 (3ch)

Colonial America in the Atlantic World (3ch)     

Health and Disease in the Early Modern British Atlantic World (3ch)

Old & New Nations in North America (3ch)

Women and War in the Eighteenth Century (3ch)

Medical History of Institutions, Directed Reading Course (3ch) 

2014-2017           University of Saskatchewan: 

History Matters: The British Empire at War from Napoleon to NATO (3ch)

More Than Conquerors: The British Peoples and Their World 1450-1720 (3ch) 

History Matters: Health and Disease in the Early Modern British Atlantic (3ch)

Europe Since 1939: From the Second World War to the Creation of the European Union and Beyond (3ch)

Graduate Teaching and Supervision

Graduate Teaching 

2024-2025           Atlantic World Major Field

PhD Students: Sandi Stewart, Michelle Connick, and Jesse Coady

2023-2024           History of Medicine Minor Comprehensive Field 

PhD Student: Delaney Beck

2022-2023           Environmental History Minor Comprehensive Field

PhD Students: Zachary Tingley and Jesse Coady

Students supervised:   

History Doctoral Students 

2024-Present    Ashley Farwell – “Cherokee Iron Workers of the 19th Century” co-supervised with Dr. Brad Cross, STU 

2024-Present    Jesse Coady – “Gulf Economies and Trade in the 18th and 19th Centuries,” co-supervised with Dr. Angela Tozer 

2023-Present    Michelle Connick – “Invisible Economies: The Makeshift Economy of South Shore Nova Scotian Settlements, 1750-1799,” co-supervised with Dr. Bonnie Huskins

2023-Present    Sandi Stewart – “Examining the impacts of change in museum management and leadership, specifically the use of narrative during the rise of international public exhibitions (1850-1920) in London, England,” co-supervised with Dr. Erin Morton StFX

2023-Present    Zachary Tingley – “Navigating a Marine Commons: The Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Challenges of Maritime Safety, 1815-1867,” co-supervised with Dr. Josh MacFadyen UPEI

2023-2024           Richard Yeomans – “Inventing a Bountiful Earth: A Century of Settler Science in New Brunswick, 1785-1885,” co-supervised with Dr. Erin Morton StFX [Transferred to Dalhousie to finish program]

Interdisciplinary Studies Doctoral Students 

Sept 2024            Adrienne Gulliver, “Applying Feminist Theory to the Past, Present, and Future of Canadian Healthcare.”

Research in Medicine Students (DalMedNB) 

2023-Present    Morgan Nesbitt – “Queer Medicine from the 20th Century to Present” 

Honours Students 

2019-2020           Jonah Leblanc, “The Development of the British Empire’s Tea Culture in the Eighteenth Century.” Mount Allison University.

Thesis, Dissertation, and Honours Committees 

2023-2024           Allison Orr, Bachelor of Health Honours Second Reader, “Role of Resource Teachers in Navigating Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes in a School Setting.”

2023-2024           Kiara Smith, Bachelor of Health Honours Second Reader, “Exploring Patient’s Experiences with Primary Mental Healthcare in New Brunswick.”

2023-2024           Jesse Coady, History PhD Dissertation Committee Member. 

2022-2023           Murray Yeoman, History PhD Dissertation Committee Member, “Inventing a Bountiful Earth: A Century of Settler Science in New Brunswick, 1785-1885.” 

2022-2023           John Matchim, History PhD Dissertation Committee Member, “Patrolling the Medical Margins: The International Grenfell Association Hospital Ship ‘Strathcona III’ and Population Relocation in Northern Newfoundland and Labrador.” 

Research and Research Grants

Research Projects

Carers for the Sick and Hurt: British Naval Nursing 1763-1830 Book project with McGill-Queen’s University Press 

COVID in Neoliberal Times and Social Medicine: The Case of Mexico and Canada with Hepzibah Muñoz-Martínez.

Nursing’s Ideals: Early Baccalaureate Nursing Education in New Brunswick research project examining the role of international funding, pedagogy, and the nursing profession in the UNB School (later Faculty) of Nursing 1959-1970. 

Teaching Endometriosis: Medical Education and Gendered Perceptions of Pain research project examining how medical textbooks describe endometriosis and women’s pain from the mid-twentieth century to the present.  How do these textbooks contribute to women’s pelvic pain being ignored by medical professionals due to gendered assumptions of pain. 

Research grants received 


Karen Buhler-Wilkerson Faculty Research Fellowship, Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania.

ResearchNB 2024 Medical Student Summer Studentship to support Morgan Nesbitt “Evolution of Queer Medical Practices form 1911-Present.”


Co-Applicant, SSHRC-Funded Partnership Development Grant “Ecologies   knowledge, and power in the Gulf of St. Lawrence region c. 1500-present”

American Association for the History of Nursing H-15 Early Career Research Grant

Faculty of Arts Research Award

Work Study Grant for Research Assistant


Start-Up Funding, Faculty of Arts, University of New Brunswick Saint John

RA work funding, Department of History and Politics, UNBSJ


Emergency Research Bursary, Society for the Social History of Medicine


Associated Medical Services (AMS) Postdoctoral Fellowship

Travel Grant, Canadian Association for Nursing History

Travel Grant, Canadian History and Environment Summer Symposium


Departmental Travel Funding, University of Saskatchewan

Travel Grant, American Society for Environmental History

Travel Grant, American Association for the History of Medicine

Travel Grant, Canadian Writing Centres Association

Registration Grant, European Association for Urban History


H-31 Pre-doctoral Research Grant, American Association for the History of Nursing

Departmental Travel Funding, University of Saskatchewan

Travel Grant, Canadian History and Environment Summer School

Stern Grant, North American Conference of British Studies


Travel Grant, United Kingdom Assoc. for the History of Nursing


Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity Travel Stipend, University of Saskatchewan


Peer-Reviewed Publications 

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals 

5. Spinney, Erin. “’The Hardships he labours under for want of an Allowance of Fuel in that severe Climate’: Environment and Military and Naval Hospitals in Canada 1756-1814.” Papers in Canadian History and Environment no. 5 (March 2024): 1-45.

4. Spinney, Erin. “’Received into the Wards as Patients’: A Case Study of Sick and Injured Nurses at Haslar Naval Hospital, 1814-1815.” UK Association for the History of Nursing Bulletin 11 (2023):

3. Spinney, Erin. “Women’s Work: Nurses, Orderlies, and the Gendered Division of Care in Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era British Army Hospitals.” Nursing History Review 31 (2023): 127-149. 

2. Spinney, Erin. “Women’s Labour, British Naval Hospital Ships, and a System of Medical Care, 1775-1815.” The Northern Mariner 32(2) (2022): 201-214. (Published March 2023)  

1. Spinney, Erin. “Servants to the hospital and the state: nurses in Plymouth and Haslar Naval Hospitals, 1775-1815.” Journal for Maritime Research 20(1-2) (2018): 1-17.

Web-Based Publications 

3. Spinney, Erin. “Ship Plans Primary Source Case Study: Reflections of Society and Culture.” In Research Methods Primary Sources by Adam Matthew Digital (2021).

2. Spinney, Erin. “Black Before Florence: Black Nurses, Enslaved Labor, and the British Royal Navy, 1790-1820.” Nursing Clio (December 17, 2020). 

1. Spinney, Erin. “Proper Nurses: Regulating Nursing Care in the Royal Navy and the British Army in the 18th Century.” Nursing Clio (September 6, 2017).

Non-Refereed publications


2. April D. Matthias, Diane L. Smith, Beth Hundt, Stephanie Woods, Erin Spinney, and Victoria T. Grando, “AAHN Position Paper: Nursing History in the Curriculum,” Nursing History Review 32 (2024): 136-141.

1. Pál, Viktor, Roberta Biasillo, Elena Kochetkova, Tayler Meredith, Simone Schleper, and Erin Spinney. “Emerging Scholars in the Age of Uncertainty: Goals and Plans of ESEH Next Generation Action Team in 2018-2019.” Environment and History 24 (2018): 579-581. 


4. Spinney, Erin. “Where have all the books gone? Research and Writing During Covid-19.” Active History. (October 26, 2021).

3. Spinney, Erin. “Finding the Black Nurses of the Royal Navy.” RCN [Royal College of Nursing] Bulletin. (October 4, 2021).

2. Spinney, Erin. “Ventilation, Ideas of Health, and 18th-Century British Military and Naval Hospitals.” Environmental History Now (December 4, 2020).

1. Spinney, Erin. “Forgotten Carers: How digital methodology illuminates female nursing in 18th century British Naval Hospitals.” Unwritten Histories (August 14, 2018).


1. Matthias, April D., Diane L. Smith, Beth Hundt, Stephanie Woods, Erin Spinney, and Victoria T. Grando. “AAHN Position Paper on Nursing History in the Curriculum.” (2022). 

Book Chapters 

2. Spinney, Erin. “The Women of Haslar and Plymouth: Nurses, Washerwomen, and the Work of Creating a Healing Medical Environment, 1775-1815.” In Military Medicine and the European State 1660-1830 edited by Sabine Jesner and Matthew Neufeld, 72-87. (Gottingen: V&R Unipress/Brill, 2023) In press. 

1. Spinney, Erin. “Environment.” In A Cultural History of Medicine: In the Enlightenment, edited by Lisa Smith, 13-28. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 

Book Reviews

9. Spinney, Erin. “The Contagion of Liberty: The Politics of Smallpox, by Andrew M. Wehrman.” Nursing History Review 32(1) (2024).  

8. Spinney, Erin. “Beyond Nightingale: Nursing on the Crimean War Battlefields, by Carol Helmstadter.” Nursing History Review. 30(1) (2021): 153-155. 

7. Spinney, Erin. “Disciplining the Empire: Politics, Governance, and the Rise of the British Navy, by Sarah Kinkel.” Global Maritime History Online (2021). 

6. Spinney, Erin. “Coal & Empire: The Birth of Energy Security in Industrial America by Peter A. Shulman.” Canadian Journal of History/Annales Canadiennes D’Histoire 53(3) (2018): 521-522. 

5. Spinney, Erin. “The Social History of English Seamen 1650-1815, Cheryl Fury ed.” Global Maritime History Online (2018).

4. Spinney, Erin. “Bacteria & Bayonets: The Impact of Disease in American Military History, by David Petrillo.” Nursing History Review 26(1) (2018): 222-223. 

3. Spinney, Erin. “Disease, War, and the Imperial State: The Welfare of the British Armed Forces During the Seven Year’s War, by Erica Charters.” Nursing History Review 26(1) (2018): 214-215.

2. Spinney, Erin. “Colonial Caring: A History of Colonial and Post-Colonial Nursing, Helen Sweet and Sue Hawkins eds.” Nursing History Review 25(1) (2017): 170-172. 

1. Spinney, Erin. “Waterloo, by Alan Forrest.” H-War, H-Net Reviews (October 2015). 

Media Reviews

1. Spinney, Erin. “Medical Services and Warfare, 1850-1949. Adam Matthew Digital.” Nursing History Review 30(1) (2021): 163-164. 

Conference Papers

64. Spinney, Erin. Benefits of Interdisciplinary Learning for Teaching the History of Nursing. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 19-21, 2024. Milwaukee, WI. 

63. Spinney, Erin. Untrained Resistance: The Continued Employment of Untrained Women Nurses at Early Nineteenth-Century British Naval Hospitals. Society for the Social History of Medicine, July 16-19, 2024. Glasgow, UK.  

62. Spinney, Erin. Nursing Discipline: Medical Practitioner Authority, Nursing Practice, and Haslar Naval Hospital 1755-1775. UK Association for the History of Nursing Colloquium, June 28, 2024. Greenwich, UK.

61. Spinney, Erin. Labour Upheaval: Gender, Professionalism, and Changes in 19th Century British Naval Hospitals. Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, June 21-23, 2024. Halifax, NS. 

60. Spinney, Erin and Glenn Iceton, “Rest and Recreation:” Health and Wellness Marketing at Resorts on Nova Scotia’s South Shore 1930-1950. Canadian Society for the History of Medicine, June 19-21, 2024. Montreal, QC. 

59. Spinney, Erin. Consequences of Conquest: British Ships’ Masters Changing Conceptions of the Gulf of St. Lawrence 1763-1815. Canadian Historical Association, June 17-19. Montreal, QC. 

58. Spinney, Erin. Endometriosis Education: Textbooks, Teaching, and Histories of Pain.American Association for the History of Medicine, May 9-12, 2024. Kansas City, MO and KS. 

57. Iceton, Glenn and Erin Spinney“Rugged spots and quaint havens and all the unmatchedscenery of the sea:” Constructing Landscapes of Tourism along the South Shore of Nova Scotia, 1928-1940. Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, May 10-12, 2024. Orono, ME. 

56. Spinney, Erin. Masters of the Gulf: Admiralty Understandings of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, circa. 1759-1815. American Society for Environmental History, April 3-7, 2024. Denver, CO. 

55. Flynn, Karen, Gwyneth Franck, Kylie Smith, Erin Spinney, Dominique Tobbell, and Lydia Wytenbroek. The Future of the History of Nursing: AAHN Reimagined. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 28-30, 2023. Pittsburgh, PA. 

54. Spinney, Erin. “Interested in the Whole Maritime Area:” The Kellogg Foundation and Nursing Education in the Maritime Provinces, 1950-1970. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 28-30, 2023. Pittsburgh, PA. 

53. Spinney, Erin. Mid-Eighteenth-Century Women’s Careers at Naval Hospitals. Women and the Sea in the Early Modern World Symposium, September 7-8, 2023. Plymouth, UK (Virtually). 

52. Spinney, Erin. Welfare for the Carers: Nurses and the British Fiscal Naval State 1750-1815.Military Welfare History Network Conference, July 7, 2023. Dublin, IE. 

51. Vandenberg, Helen, Peter Twohig, Erin Spinney, A.L. Torre, and M.E. Sanchez. HistoricalPreparedness and Contemporary Nursing: International Perspectives. International Council of Nurses Congress, July 1-5, 2023. Montreal, QC. 

50. Spinney, Erin. Care for Sick and Injured Nurses at Haslar Naval Hospital, 1814-1815. UK Association for the History of Nursing Colloquium, June 28, 2023. Chichester, UK.

49. Spinney, Erin. Early Baccalaureate Nursing Education in New Brunswick 1958-1970. Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, May 29-31, 2023. Toronto, ON. 

48. Spinney, Erin. Nursing’s Ideals: Early Baccalaureate Education in New Brunswick. Canadian Society for the History of Medicine/Canadian Association for the History of Nursing Joint Conference, May 27-29, 2023. Toronto, ON. 

47. Spinney, Erin. Learning from the Pandemic: Historical Thinking Modules on D2L. MOSAIC Teaching Showcase, April 27, 2023. Saint John, NB. 

46. Spinney, Erin. Infectious Distempers, Contagion, and Environment: Partridge Island Quarantine Station 1830-1900. (Poster). American Society of Environmental History, March 22-26, 2023. Boston, MA. 

45. Spinney, Erin. Tutorials Without a TA: Historical Thinking Modules on D2L. UNB Kaleidoscope Teaching Showcase, December 9, 2022. Fredericton, NB. 

44. Spinney, Erin. Matrons: Regulating Households and Nurses at British Naval Hospitals, 1760-1815. Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, June 9-11, 2022. Ottawa, ON.

43. Spinney, Erin. Teaching Endo: Medical Education and Gendered Perceptions of Pain. Canadian Society for the History of Medicine, June 4-6, 2022. (Virtually). 

42. Spinney, Erin. Nursing, Fumigation, and Healthy Air at British Military and Naval Hospitals, 1790-1815. American Society for Environmental History, March 23-27, 2022. Eugene, OR (Virtually).

41. Spinney, Erin. Hospital Ships as Support for British Naval Hospitals, 1790-1815. AgnesDillion Randolph International Nursing History Conference, March 18-19, 2022. Charleston, VA (Virtually).

40. Spinney, Erin. Where Have All the Books Gone? Research and Writing Without Physical Library Access. Pandemic Methodologies Twitter Conference, June 24-25, 2021. #PandemicMethodologies

39. Spinney, Erin. Air, Ventilation, and Fumigation: Creating Healthy Environments in British Naval Hospitals and Hospital Ships. Canadian Society for the History of Medicine/Canadian Association for the History of Nursing Joint Conference. June 1-2, 2021. Edmonton, AB (Virtually). 

38. Spinney, Erin. Women’s Labour, British Naval Hospital Ships, and a System of Medical Care, 1775-1815. Society for Military History, May 20-23, 2021. Norfolk, VA (Virtually).  

37. Spinney, Erin. Problems of Place: A Conversation on Representation, Engagement, and Community. American Society for Environmental History (Cancelled due to Covid-19) March 25-29, 2020. Ottawa, ON. 

36. Spinney, Erin. British Naval Nurses: Female Mobilization in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. North American Conference on British Studies, November 14-17, 2019. Vancouver, BC. 

35. Spinney, Erin. Naval Systems of Care and Control. Applied Geospatial Research in Public Policy, October 3-5, 2019. Charlottetown, PEI. 

34. Spinney, Erin. Washerwomen in Late-18th Century British Naval Hospitals: Job Categorisation and Overlap with the Nursing Workforce. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 19-21, 2019. Dallas, TX.  

33. Spinney, Erin. Winter and the British Military During the American Revolutionary War. European Society for Environmental History Twitter Conference. August 16, 2019. #ESEH2019Tweets

32. Spinney, Erin. Nurses and Literacy at Haslar and Plymouth Naval Hospitals c. 1770-1800. Canadian Society for the History of Medicine/Canadian Association for the History of Nursing Joint Conference, June 1-3, 2019. Vancouver, BC.  

31. Spinney, Erin. Sites of Care and Control: Healthy Environments and Royal Navy Hospital Ships 1790-1815. American Society for Environmental History, April 10-13, 2019. Columbus, OH.

30. Spinney, Erin. Sites of Care and Control: Healthy Environments and Royal Navy Hospital Ships 1790-1815. American Society for Environmental History Twitter Conference, April 4, 2019. #ASEH2019Tweets. 

29. Spinney, Erin. Nursing on British Naval Hospital Ships 1790-1815. Agnes Dillon Randolph International Nursing History/Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Sciences Conferences, March 14-16, 2019. Charlottesville, VA. 

28. Spinney, Erin. Sadie and Isaac Stringer, Herschel Island, and Northern Missionary Healthcare in the Late-19th Century. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 13-15, 2018. San Diego, CA.           

27. Spinney, Erin. Hospital Ships, HGIS, and the Interconnectivity of British Naval Medicine in the Napoleonic Wars. Digital Humanities Congress, September 6-8, 2018. Sheffield, UK

26. Spinney, Erin. Nursing the Built Environment: Environmental Medicine in British Naval Hospitals 1790-1815. Environmental History Workshop, September 3, 2018. London, UK.           

25. Spinney, Erin. Nursing Careers at Haslar and Plymouth Naval Hospitals, 1769-1800. Society for the Social History of Medicine, July 11-13, 2018. Liverpool, UK.        

24. Spinney, Erin. ‘An awkward clumsy man’: Perceptions of female nurses and male orderlies in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Redcoats, Tommies, and Dusty Warriors: Britain’s Soldiers c.1650 to Present, July 11, 2018. Leeds, UK. 

23. Spinney, Erin. ‘And if they are to be Men or Women’: Nursing on late-18th CenturyBritish Hospital Ships. United Kingdom Association for the History of Nursing. July 10, 2018. Chester, UK. 

22. Spinney, Erin. The Nursing Workforce at British Naval Hospitals at Haslar and Plymouth 1770-1800. Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, June 15-17, 2018. Halifax, NS.

21, Spinney, Erin. Forgotten Carers: How digital methodology illuminates female nursing in 18th Century British Naval Hospitals. Canadian Historical Association, May 28-30, 2018. Regina, SK.    

20. Spinney, Erin. Nursing the Nurses: Medical Care for Nurses in British Naval Hospitals 1790-1815. Canadian Society for the History of Medicine, May 26-28, 2018. Regina, SK.  

19. Spinney, Erin. Hospital Ships within a System of Care and Control: British Naval Medicine 1790-1815.American Association for the History of Medicine, May 10-14, 2018. Los Angeles, CA. 

18. Spinney, Erin. Fear and Loathing in Jamaica: Climate, Yellow Fever, and Thanatophobia among 18th-Century British Military and Naval Personnel. American Society for Environmental History Twitter Conference, March 8, 2018. #ASEH2018Tweets. 

17. Vandenberg, Helen, Lydia Wytenbroek, and Erin SpinneyInnovating the History of Nursing in Canadian Undergraduate Nursing Education. Western North-western Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, February 21-23, 2018. Calgary, AB. 

16. Vandenberg, Helen, Lydia Wytenbroek, and Erin SpinneyBeyond Nightingale: Inspiring a New Generation to Utilize History to Inform Policy and Practice. Manitoba-(Northern) Ontario-Minnesota-Saskatchewan History of Medicine Conference, September 22-24, 2017. Winnipeg, MB. 

15. Spinney, Erin. ‘Not less than one proper nurse for every ten men’: Regulating 18th-Century British Military and Naval Nurses. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 7-9, 2017. Rochester, NY. 

14. Spinney, Erin. ‘The Hospital Nurses Have Been Frequently Drunk’: Drunken Nurses, The Sairey Gamp Stereotype, and 18th-Century British Naval Hospitals. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 22-24, 2016. Chicago, IL.  

13. Spinney, Erin. Urban Workers, Household Women: Nurses at Plymouth Naval Hospital 1778-1800. European Association for Urban History, August 24-27, 2016. Helsinki, Finland. 

12. Spinney, Erin. Regulating care during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: Nurses and perceptions of Nursing in the Royal Navy and the British Army. United Kingdom Association for the History of Nursing, July 11, 2016. Camberley, UK.  

11. Spinney, Erin. Inside the Ward: Everyday Experiences at the Intersection of Medicine and Domesticity in Eighteenth-Century British Naval Hospitals. Society for the Social History of Medicine, July 7-10, 2016. Canterbury, UK.  

10. Spinney, Erin. Carers for the Sick or Drunken Accessories to Desertion? Nursing at Plymouth and Haslar Naval Hospitals 1790-1815. Canadian Society for the History of Medicine, May 28-30, 2016. Calgary, AB. 

9. Spinney, Erin. Regulators of an Internal Environment: British Naval Nursing in Late-Eighteenth Century Hospitals. American Society for Environmental History, March 30-April 2, 2016. Seattle, WA. 

8. Spinney, Erin. ‘The Most Affectionate and Unremitted Care and Attention’: Black Nurses, Racial Immunity, and British West Indian Naval Hospitals, 1790-1825. North American Conference on British Studies, November 13-15, 2015. Little Rock, AR. 

7. Spinney, Erin. Hospital and Household: Plymouth Naval Hospital 1775-1815. Manitoba-(Northern) Ontario-Minnesota-Saskatchewan History of Medicine 

Conference, October 2-3, 2015. Thunder Bay, ON. 

6. Spinney, Erin. ‘The Best Sick Nurses in the World’: Race and British West Indian Military and Naval Nursing c. 1780-1830. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 17-20, 2015. Dublin, Ireland. 

5. Spinney, Erin. ‘Neither females nor negroes of either sex were liable to it’: Concepts of racial immunity in British West Indian Military and Naval Nursing c. 1780-1825. American Association for the History of Medicine, April 30-May 3, 2015. New Haven, CT. 

4. Spinney, Erin. Health Through Hygiene: British Military Nursing 1775-1815. American Association for the History of Nursing, September 18-21, 2014. Hartford, CT. 

3. Spinney, Erin. Care and Cleanliness: The Importance of Nursing in British Military Hospitals c. 1790-1815. United Kingdom Association for the History of Nursing Colloquium, July 9, 2014. Kingston, UK.

2. Spinney, Erin. Nurses and the Professionalization of British Medical Officers in the Napoleonic Wars. SSHM-MOMS Connections and Communities in Health and Medicine, September 12-14, 2013. Saskatoon, SK. 

1. Spinney, Erin. From ‘Silly Nurses’ to ‘Indispensably Necessary’: The Evolution of British Military Nursing 1763-1815. Canadian Society for the History of Medicine/Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, June 1-3, 2013. Victoria, BC. 

Invited Talks

22. Spinney, Erin. Endometriosis: Patient Autoethnography and Historical Analysis. Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, sponsored by Women’s Health Student Interest Group. February 29, 2024. Ottawa, ON (Virtually). 

21. Spinney, Erin. Doing Digital History. Guest lecture and seminar for HIST 6945 Doing History, January 31, 2024. Fredericton, NB. 

20. Spinney, Erin. Society and Health. Bachelor of Health Gala, November 24, 2023. Saint John, NB. 

19. Spinney, Erin. Endometriosis and Medical Education. Integrated Health Initiative Research Showcase, November 20, 2023. Saint John, NB. 

18. Spinney, Erin. Histories, Hagiographies, and Historiographies: The Role of History in Nursing 1750-PresentKeynote UNB/UMaine Graduate History Conference, March 18, 2023. Fredericton, NB. 

17. Spinney, Erin. Napoleonic Era Naval Nursing. Guest lecture and seminar for HIST 3675 Navies and Societies Since 1650, March 10, 2023. Memorial University, St. John’s, NL (virtually).

16. Spinney, Erin. Early Baccalaureate Education in New Brunswick. Nursing Black History Month Event, February 23, 2023. Virtual. 

15. Spinney, Erin. Doing Digital History. Guest lecture and seminar for HIST 6945 Doing History, February 9, 2023. Fredericton, NB. 

14. Spinney, Erin. Nursing Before and After Florence Nightingale. Guest lecture for NURS 3081 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing, January 24, 2023. Saint John, NB. 

13. Spinney, Erin. Labour of Civilian Women in British Naval Medical Systems. Early Career Researcher Presentations, UNB Research Week, October 6, 2023. Saint John, NB. 

12. Spinney, Erin. Health in Winter: Perceptions of Cold and Medical Treatment at British Army Hospitals in North America c. 1775-1815. New Brunswick Historical Society, February 22, 2022. Saint John, NB (Virtually).                                                         

11. Spinney, Erin. Gendered Division of Care in Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era British Army Hospitals. Tri-Campus Colloquium, November 24, 2022. Saint John, NB. (Virtually).  

10. Spinney, Erin. Qualitative Methods: Nursing in Eighteenth-Century British Naval Hospitals. QUEST-SJ, November 17, 2021. Saint John, NB (Virtually). 

9. Spinney, Erin. Nursing at British Naval Hospitals and Hospital Ships, 1775-1815. University of Virginia, Nursing History Forum, November 9, 2021. Charleston, VA (Virtually).

8. Spinney, Erin. ‘One of the nurse’s cabins’: Nursing and Nurses on Royal Navy Hospital Ships 1790-1815. University of Chester, Faculty of Health and Social Care, November 3, 2021. Chester, UK (virtually). This is also available on vimeo: 

7. Spinney, Erin. Black Nurses, Enslaved Labour, and the Royal Navy, 1790-1820. Royal College of Nursing, Annual History of Nursing Forum Lecture, March 25, 2021. London, UK (Virtually) Black History Month in the UK is in March and this was advertised as part of that month:

This is also available on Youtube:

6. Spinney, Erin. Black Nurses and the Royal Navy in the Napoleonic Period Royal College of Nursing. Race and Culture Staff Network, March 4, 2021. London, UK (virtually) Kind of public.  I think that it was restricted to RCN members, but the RCN represents all the nurses in the UK so it had a potentially large audience. 

5. Spinney, Erin. Hospital Ships, Female Labour, and the British Naval Medical System in the Napoleonic Era. Centre for Maritime Historical Studies Seminar Series, University of Exeter, October 21, 2020. Exeter, UK (virtually) This is also available as a podcast here:

4. Spinney, Erin. British Naval Nursing in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. WGST Marie Hammond-Callaghan Memorial Lecture, Mount Allison University, March 9, 2020. Sackville, NB

3. Spinney, Erin. Women’s Labour and British Naval Hospitals and Hospital Ships 1775-1815. History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Seminar, University of Oxford, May 13, 2019. Oxford, UK The web announcement says that this is public, but I think it may have been limited to the university system? The announcement is here:

2. Spinney, Erin. Seniority, Experience, and On-the-job Training at British Naval Hospitals 1775-1815. ‘A Species of Knowledge’: Women and Medicine 1750-1850, Birkbeck, April 5, 2019. London, UK. The original lecture wasn’t public, but it is also available as a podcast here:

1. Spinney, Erin. British Naval Nursing 1760-1830. The Past, Present, and Future of Naval Nursing, Royal College of Nursing, June 7, 2017. Plymouth, UK. Public announcement here:                   


10. Iceton, Glenn and Erin SpinneyNetworking and Making the Most of Conferences. UNBSJ History Graduate Student’s Workshop Series. March 21, 2024. Saint John, NB (virtually).

9. Spinney, Erin. Teaching and Learning Committee Book Club Series, Why Does Course Climate Matter for Student Learning? March 20, 2024. Saint John, NB. 

8. Spinney, Erin and Jessica DeWitt. Building a CV and Marketing Yourself, UNBSJ History Graduate Student’s Workshop Series. February 15, 2024. Saint John, NB (virtually).

7. Digital Humanities Summer Institute-East (DHSI-East). “GIS for Humanities Workshop,” St. Francis Xavier, April 17-20, 2023. Antigonish, NS. 

6. Spinney, Erin. Nursing and the Halifax Naval Hospital 1750-1815. Gender and Health in Atlantic Canada Workshop, Saint Mary’s University, March 25, 2023. Halifax, NS (virtually). 

5. Spinney, Erin. Black Nurses Before Florence. Royal College of Nursing World Book Day Event, March 4, 2020. London, UK (virtually). 

4. Spinney, Erin, Kylie Smith, and Amanda Mahoney. Digital Scholarship Tools for the History of Nursing & Health American Association for the History of Nursing Pre-Conference Workshop, September 13, 2018. San Diego, CA. 

3. Spinney, Erin. ‘The Hardships he labours under for want of an Allowance of Fuel in that severe Climate’: Environment and Military and Naval Hospitals in Canada 1756-1814. Canadian History and Environment Summer Symposium, May 30-June 2, 2018. Saskatoon, SK

2. Spinney, Erin. British Military and Naval Nursing c. 1750-1825: A Transnational Perspective? Beyond Borders: A Workshop on Transnationalism, September 11, 2015. Saskatoon, SK. 

1. Spinney, Erin. Military Nursing in the 18th-Century West Indies: Race, Environment, and Identity. NiCHE Prairie Environmental History Workshop, April 26, 2014. Saskatoon, SK. 


Service on Professional and Learned Society Committees 

Canadian Association for the History of Nursing 

2023-2025           Past-President

2021-2023           President

2019-2021           Vice-President

2016-Present    Website Manager 

2022-2023           Communication Committee Chair

2016-Present    Communication Committee Member 

Canadian Society for the History of Medicine 

2023-2025           Atlantic Representative (Board Member)

2019-2023           Website Manager 

American Association for the History of Nursing 

2022-2024           Chair, Communication Committee 

2021-2023           Member, Finance Committee 

2021-2022           Nursing History Education Task Force 

2021-2022           Ad hoc Committee on Strategic Planning 

2016-2018           Member, Communication Committee 

European Society for Environmental History 

2018-2019           Member and Twitter Editor, NEXTGATe Committee 

2021-Present    Canadian Society for the History of Medicine Writing Group

2020-Present    Tidepool Feminist Writing Collective 

Other Service to Professional Societies and Organizations 

2023- Present    Assistant Editor, Nursing History Review 

2022-2023           Co-Chair, CSHM/CAHN Conference Program Committee 

2021-2022           CSHM Conference Program Committee 

2019-2023           Assistant Book Review Editor, Nursing History Review  

2019-2020           CAHN-CSHM Joint Conference Program Committee

2018-2021           Global Maritime History Online, Book Review Editor

2016-2020           H-EnviroHealth, Editor

2017                      British Naval History Online, Editor 

2016-2017           Early Modern Recipes Online Collective (EMROC), Social Media Editor

2015-2016           H-EnviroHealth, Working Group Member

2014-2017           H-Minerva, H-Net Network for Study of Women and War and Women in the Military 

Professional Associations

Canadian Society for History of Medicine (member)

Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (member) 

Canadian Historical Association (member) 

American Association for the History of Nursing (member) 

American Society for Environmental History (member)

American Association for the History of Medicine (occasional member) 

North American Conference of British Studies (occasional member) 

Society for the Social History of Medicine (member) 

European Society for Environmental History (past member) 

European Association for Urban History (past member)