It was a busy Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities for me this year! It was great to be back in sunny Vancouver and enjoy the beautiful UBC campus.
At the joint meeting of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine and the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing I was the very first presenter of the conference.
A2: Nursing History, Theory, and Practice
Chair/présidente: Kathryn McPherson (York University)
Nurses and Literacy at Haslar and Plymouth Naval Hospitals, c. 1770-1800, Erin Spinney (Oxford University)
Un malaise flou en héritage: Les fondements de la discipline et la pensée infirmière, Marie-Claude Thifault (Université d’Ottawa)
Une Révolution tranquille avant l’heure au chapitre des infirmières? Charlotte Tassé et le modèle de al garde-malade canadienne-français (1928-1963), Alexandre Klein (Université Laval)

I was also fortunate to attend the Canadian Historical Association conference, speak to a publisher about my book project, and catch up with colleagues I hadn’t seen in a while.
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