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Further Resources:

Images used in this paper:

Arrowsmith, John. “West Indies.” (London: John Arrowsmith, 1832). Link

“Bag for cinchona bark, Peru, 1777-1785” by Science Museum London. Credit:  Science Museum, London

‘Cinchona plant (Cinchona officinalis): flowering and fruiting branch. Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1801, after J. Ihle’ by Johann-Eberhard Ihle. Credit: Wellcome Collection.

Jefferys, Thomas. “Engraved Title Page: West-India atlas: or, a compendious description of the West-Indies.” London: Sayer and Bennett, 1788. Link.

“Johnny New-come in the Island of Jamaica.” (London: Willm. Holland, 1800). Link 

‘Naval officers and men on a ship, dressed in the uniform of nine labelled ranks of the Royal Navy. Wood engraving.’. Credit: Wellcome Collection.

Pariset, Etienne and Andre Mazet. Observations sur la fièvre jaune, faites à Cadix, en 1819. Credit: Wellcome Collection

Archival Sources:

National Maritime Museum

ADM/E/46: ADM/E/46 “Sick and Hurt Board, In-Letters and Orders 1797-1798.”


Wellcome Library

RAMC 210 “Volume of copy letters and reports.”  1811-1823.

Printed Primary Sources:

 Bell, John. An Inquiry into the Causes Which Produce, and the Means of Preventing Diseases Among British Officers, Soldiers, and Others in the West Indies. London, 1791.

Fergusson, William. Notes and Reflections on a Professional Life. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1846.

Henderson, Stewart. A Letter to the Officers of the Army Under Orders For, Or That May Hereafter Be Sent to the West Indies, on the Means of Preserving Health, and Preventing That Fatal Disease the Yellow Fever. London: John Stockdale, 1795.

Laughton, John and James Sullivan eds. Journal of Rear-Admiral Bartholomew James. London: Navy Records Society, 1896.

Lempriere, William. Practical observations on the diseases of the army in Jamaica, as they occurred between the years 1792 and 1797, Volume 1 and 2. London: T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1799.

McLean, Hector. An enquiry into the nature, and causes of the great mortality among the troops at St. Domingo. London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1797.

Moseley, Benjamin. A Treatise on Tropical Diseases; On Military Operations; and on the Climate of the West-Indies. London: G. G. and J. Robinson, 1795.

Reide, Thomas Dickson. A view of the diseases of the army in Great Britain, America, the West Indies, and on board of King’s ships and transports. London: J. Johnson, 1793.

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